How to Draw a Third Eye

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1 Guidelines

First, let's draw the guidelines that will help shape the eye.

2 Eyeball Shape

Then, draw a circle for the iris and pupil shape.

3 Eye Shape

Next, draw the shape framing around the circle to form the eye shape.

4 More Details

Then, sketch in the pupil.

5 Lotus Petal

Go ahead and sketch the petals around the eye shape , and some form of pattern on them.

6 Pattern Work

Fill in the rest of the eye design with the pattern shown.

7 Final Line Art

Once you're done, you can go ahead and fill in the pupil with an optional symbol, I went with the Om. Thanks for stopping by and trying out the tut!

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May 5, 2020

Description: This lesson should have went up a few days ago and I didn't realize that it wasn't uploaded until last night. Having said that, here is one of my many interpretations on how to draw the Third Eye or a third eye. The Third Eye is is what brings us into a deeper consciousness. Your Third Eye is located at the center of your forehead and with proper meditation, you are able to reach a spiritual consciousness and it is there that will feel like you are in total peace, and even visions or images of brought on by our unconsciousness. Anyways, I think the design is pretty, and I wanted everyone to try and tackle this lesson so I made it simple enough for artists of all skill levels. SO, have fun and I will meet you back here in a few with more drawing fun.

#how to draw eyes #how to draw spirits #how to draw meditation
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