How to Draw Claude Faustus from Black Butler

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Start off with a circle for the head, then sketch in the facial guidelines. Draw the neck guide and then the shoulders.


Start using the head guide to sketch out Claude's facial structure like so. When that is done you can sketch in the bangs, then draw some of the hair on the side of his face that hugs the jawline.


We can now start drawing the very feminine eyes, then draw out the long slender nose and simple lined mouth.


Draw in the thick eyebrows, then draw the frames for the eyeglasses. Draw the eyes, then move to step five.


Sketch out his hair, then sketch in some of the layers of the hair. Detail inside the head and then you can move to step six.


For the last step all you have to do is draw the shape of his neck, then sketch in the shirt collar and then draw the shoulders and emblem in the center of his tie. Erase the mistakes and you are all done.


That's it folks, you have finished this lesson on drawing Claude from Black Butler. Color in this slim fellow and that's it.

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January 13, 2014

Description: How many of you are familiar with the Black Butler series? I guess it must be a lot because whenever I upload a lesson of a character from Black Butler people go crazy. Today I will finally fill a request and show folks "how to draw Claude", step by step. Claude is a very mysterious looking figure despite what his personality might be. Like other anime/manga characters, Claude Faustus is a tall, slender man that has black hair and wears black glasses. He is also a very soft spoken fella with a tongue long enough to touch the bridge of his nose. Drawing Claude Faustus should be relatively simple, but if you are new with drawing anime or manga, you might find some bumps in the road. Remember those bumps are just hiccups, and should not stop you from success.

#how to draw black butler #how to draw black butler characters
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