How to Draw Applejack Easy


Make the shape of the head and then sketch in the facial guidelines.


Draw in the shape and structure of Applejack's face and also include the outline of her ear.


Draw the top portion of Applejack's mane which is also her bangs.


Add strand guidelines to her hair, then move to step five.


Use the facial guidelines to draw out the large shapes of Applejack's eyes. Add the detailing inside the ear and add some lashes.


Add a piece of straw in her mouth, then add some freckles, nose and move to step seven.


You will now draw Applejack's hat and then you are all done and ready to erase your mistakes.


Here is the line art once you are done. Now you can color her in to bring some vibrant life to her smile.

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September 28, 2014

Description: A fun and simple lesson for all you MLP fans out there. I know I couldn't make just one tutorial on a lesson based on an easy style for drawing a My Little Pony character. Here is "how to draw Applejack easy", step by step. No body, no tail, just head and hat. Have fun and remember to enjoy yourself with making your very own Applejack from My Little Pony.

#how to draw my little pony characters
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