How to Draw Steve Smith from American Dad

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to start, draw a circle for Steve Smith's head and then add the facial guidelines. You will then draw a neck line and attach it to the torso shape. Draw the hips and leg guidelines as well as the beginning lines for the feet.


You will start sketching out the hair, ears, and lower shape of Steve's face like his cheeks, jaw and dimpled chin. Give him a nose and a smile and then draw the back lining for his neck and right side of his shirt.


Now that you have some of Steve's body drawn out you can basically finish off the head and face. You will accomplish this by sketching out his hair, and then draw out his square shapes glasses. Add eyes, eyebrows, and then the style of his open over    


You have come to the end of the road and you will now finish this character by drawing out the left arm and hand, and then work your way to the lower part of Steve's body which would be his legs and sneakers. Once you have drawn both those parts of h   


Here you have the finished drawing of Steve. What you need to do now if you like is color him in and you have completed this tutorial on "how to draw Steve Smith from American Dad step by step".

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June 29, 2009

Description: How about another character from the very funny animated Adult Swim series “American Dad”? I know you guys know of this show and I want to share with you all a tutorial on “how to draw Steve Smith from American Dad step by step”. Steve was requested by a few members a few weeks ago and I finally got around to filling the request. Unlike his macho dad, Steve is what you and I would call a geek. He has all the characteristics of a geek like the glasses, braces, an incredible drive for science, especially chemistry, and he is very, very intelligent. Steve attends Pearl Bailey High School as a freshman and he takes up the cello that he initially started playing at school to impress a girl and I‘m pretty sure that he has been playing the cello since he was nine years old. Steve likes to look up to his father and hopes that one day his dad will understand him. At the age of fourteen, it’s hard teaching your parents to understand who you are as a person. Anyway, I like American Dad it reminds me a lot of “The Family Guy” which is mainly because they where both created by the same individual. This tutorial will show you “how to draw Steve Smith from American Dad step by step“. Have fun with it and remember to comment and vote. I shall return in a bit so stay tuned kiddies.

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