How to Draw Lucille Ball, Lucille Ball

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You will start the first step by drawing the shape of her head, then sketch in the facial guidelines.


You will then begin sketching out the shape of Lucille Ball's face, then draw in the neatly combed hairstyle which is curled up.


Continue to sketch out her up-do, then sketch in the wavy lines for her curls and to add texture to her hair.


Next, we will tackle the task of drawing Lucy's eyes. Start with the eyebrows which seem to be perfectly penciled in, then draw out her expressive eyes. Add some thick, bold lining to her lids, then add lashes.


This is a simple task because all you have to do is draw in her nose, and lips. Detail her face by sketching in some cheek detailing.


For the last step all that is needed is the addition of her neck, then draw the criss cross style of her blouse collar. Sketch in the detailing to her clothes, then begin cleaning up the mistakes.


Here is the finished line art now that you are done. Color this bright colored redhead to bring her personality to life.

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May 23, 2013

Description: Here is a face that I have been seeing a lot of lately on the covers of magazines and on television. Here is "how to draw Lucille Ball", step by step. When I started seeing this face everywhere I turned my head, I began looking around the net to see if there was some kind of new news that involved this cheery redhead. No dice, after looking around I didn't find anything new. I wasn't going to bother looking to see if she just passed away because I was already aware that Lucille Ball passed back in 1989 when she was seventy seven years old. I know I wasn't born around her heyday, but my grandmother used to watch the I Love Lucy show when I used to visit her as a kid. Her face, loud cry and relationship she had with her real life husband Desi Arnaz will always be stamped in my brain because even though she was a woman, she was definitely a funny lady. I had a blast drawing Lucille Ball, and I hope you do too.

#draw people #how to draw comedians
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