Barnacle Boy, How to Draw


Start with the guidelines and shapes.


Here you will draw out Barnacle Boy's hat first then the shape of his head.


Next, draw the eyemask line as well as the large circle for the eyes. You will end this step by drawing the shape of his ear.


Color in the pupils and then draw out the large nose. When that is done you can finish drawing the shape of his face. Add the line for the mouth too.


You are almost done. Draw Barnacle Boy's neck shape followed by the scarf he wears around the neck.


Lastly, draw the body and arms. Erase the mistakes and guides.


Here is the line art. Just color him in to finish off your drawing.

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February 14, 2024

Description: Hey guys. Welcome back to another lesson here on Drago. Today I have two characters from SpongeBob that are not currently here on the site. I searched but didn't find a lesson on either. I will start by showing you how to draw Barnacle Boy, step by step. Oddly enough, Mermaid Man is on Drago, but not his counterpart. Hopefully, you like this lesson. I will be back with one more.

#how to draw spongebob characters #how to draw characters from spongebob #barnacle boy drawings #barnacle boy fanart #barnacle boy drawing
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