How to Draw a dragon

How to Draw a dragon
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May 7, 2012

Hey guys, Dawn here presenting you with another epic Dragon Ball Z tutorial! Today, we'll be learning “how to draw Super Vegito”, step by step in the easiest form. I'm a huge Dragon Ball fan (my votes totally fling to Vegeta), but with that being said, I haven't seen this character “Vegito” in the anime yet. Maybe it's because I stopped right at the Imperfect Cell Saga, which lead me astray from watching the entire series on hand. If you're a fan and you've watched EVERY SINGLE episode, please expose any information about this character as I would love to know more about him. I know that there is folks out there on Dragoart that are die hard fans of anything that has to do with DBZ or the Dragon Ball characters. I had lots of fun with drawing Vegito in his super or Saiyan form, and hopefully you guys do too. Anyways, I've got to go and work more on the DragoArt shop. Thanks for viewing, and stay tuned for more lessons!

1 - Super Cool
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