Aria, Aspect of the Wind

Aria, Aspect of the Wind
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April 11, 2012

Aria is the Aspect of the Wind, and controls all forms of the wind. She sports huge, eagle-like wings, two tails (each with their own unique decoration at the end) and a helm like adornment that is in the shape of wings, which has gemstones associated with the zodiac signs born under the element of air (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra). She is around 20 feet tall, 26.5 feet long and has a wingspan of about 43 feet. Like all deities, she has no pupils. This gives her a powerful, yet alien-like look, setting her apart from the rest of the dragons. 'Aria' means song or melody, yet it's literal meaning is 'wind'. She helps Lorena in life after contacting her through a dream; Lorena would feel the wind blow and picture Aria, which comforted her through the rough times in life. This is my first attempt at drawing more realistically in Photoshop. Aria and Art© Me

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