How to Draw Cerberus for Kids

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Begin with making two simple shapes, one for the head and another for the body. Add a connecting line which is the frame for the neck like so.


In this step you will draw the side profile of the first head of the cerberus. These animals look a lot like dogs or even wolves. Make the forehead, snout, jawline and then the ear. The back of the neck should be fluffed up as well.


Make the lining for the front part of the neck, then draw the arched back as well as the hind leg and front leg. The front and back paws are to be rounded and squared.


Okay guys, you are now ready to draw the rest of the heads and since this is a three headed beast, you will only need to draw three heads. Make the fluffy chest, as well as the other visible leg. Draw the tail then proceed on.


Make the ears then draw the eyes. Sketch in the noses on all three heads and you are all done. Add the lines for the paws too. Erase the mistakes than all is finished.


Here is your cerberus for kids when you are all done. Now you can get busy coloring in your three headed dog or beast.

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June 9, 2012

Description: Hey folks, I'm back again with another fantasy creature from mytholigy. Everyone is familiar with the cerberus monster from Greek lore. Today I want to bring this three headed beast to life by showing all you novice artists out there "how to draw cerberus for kids", step by step. I have drawn so many of these monsters in the past, and with each one the art became better and better. Now that I have a good idea on how they should be created on paper or in my case digitally, I thought it would be fun to show how easy it can be to draw a cerberus creature of your own in a playful and simple manner. To make things even easier, I drew the cerberus from the side so you don't really have to worry about drawing all three heads at face frontal view. I think that a majority of people that decide to tackle this creature will have a blast. Having said that, let me let you guys get busy. I shall return with more drawing fun so be sure to stay tuned in. Peace out people!

#draw for kids #how to draw cerberus
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