How to Draw Yolo, Yolo

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Simply write out on your canvas the letters 'YOLO' like you see here. These letters will be your guide to drawing the graffiti version of each.


You will now begin drawing the bubble style Y like so. This can either be a lowercase, or uppercase letter.


Next, draw the shape of the O like so, then proceed to step four.


Draw in the bulky bubble style L, then move to step five where you will finish the letters off.


Then you will draw another O.


Here is where you will detail the graffiti letters. First erase the guides, then draw in X's for the centers of both O's. Then you will add the marks of shine on the rounded parts of each letter without over doing it. Add some spots and definition ar   


Now you are ready to color in your letters that spell YOLO. Hope you had fun gang, make sure to upload your finished work when you are done.

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January 26, 2018

Description: I do have another graffiti lesson for you all in the form of three letters that is referred to as 'urban slang'. Today we will first learn "how to draw Yolo", step by step. I'm sure you all know that Yolo is short for 'you only live once'. My sister actually says this all the time. She's actually the queen of knowing all sorts of abbreviated words in place for whole words. I'm really starting to like drawing graffiti words or letters because I get to decorate the final line art into some pretty bright, vivid colors. As you can see I went with some tones from the 80's like neon blue, pink, yellow, and green. I love how YOLO came out, and if you are one of the many that love drawing graffiti, you should enjoy drawing Yolo too. Enjoy yourselves people and remember to leave some feedback, thanks.

#how to draw graffiti letters #how to draw graffiti words
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