How To Draw Pebbles

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Start off this first step by drawing out the guidelines and circle shapes. Start by drawing a skull shaped circle for the head then sketch in the facial guidelines. Next draw out the shape of her little torso with the shapes of her hands and feet. Af   


Now in this next step what you will be doing is drawing out Pebbles ponytail and bone which holds it in place, then you are going to draw in the shapes of her eyes, nose, and mouth along with her ear. After those pieces are drawn out you can draw in    


Now what you want to do is detail her hair by adding little pieces scattered as shown. Sketch in her thick looking eye brow and her beautiful round eyes and little eyelashes. Now you can draw in her left hand and the neck lining on her dress. After    


All you have to do here is draw in the spots on her shirt. After the last step is drawn out you can go ahead and erase all the guidelines and circle shapes that you drew back in step one.


This is what your Pebbles should look like when you are completely done. I know she is not perfect but she still looks cute. Well that is it all you have to do now is color her in. That will conclude this tutorial on how to draw Pebbles Flintstone st   


This is what your Pebbles should look like when you are completely done. I know she is not perfect but she still looks cute. Well that is it all you have to do now is color her in. That will conclude this tutorial on how to draw Pebbles Flintstone st   

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April 4, 2008

Description: This addition to the Flintstone family is a bundle of pure joy. In this tutorial I will show you "how to draw Pebbles" Flintstone. I think Pebbles is probably one of the cutest animated infants that ever hit the screen. She has the fiery red hair like her mother Wilma, and chubby looks like her father Fred. She became a part of the family to the point where she launched her own series with her future boyfriend and husband, Bam-Bam. Pebbles doesn't say too much except Dada and Yabba Dabba Doo. Although she is quiet and hardly never cries like most babies, Pebbles loves playing in her back yard with her best bud Bam Bam and Dino her pet Dinosaur. She loves her Daddy with all her heart and soul and she loves being cradled her mommy until she falls asleep. This tutorial will show you how to draw Pebbles Flintstone step by step. The instructions are easy to read and follow which makes it a perfect tutorial for children to learn how to draw. She is a cute, funny; infant that comes from Bedrock and has a loving and caring family and neighbors. I hope you enjoy this addition to the Flintstone family, I know she will put a smile on your face with every step you take. So pick up your sketch pad and sketching pencil and prepare your work area for a fun filled tutorial that will leave you wanting more.

#how to draw the flintstones
1 - Super Cool
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