How to Draw Horse Eyes

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Instead of starting with some basic guidelines, you will begin with drawing out the shape of the eye, and that shape is like a teardrop with a rounded tip instead of pointed.


Next, draw out the eyeball shape, then draw in the pupil which is rectangular in shape just like some other hoofed animals like goats, sheep, and cattle. Lastly, sketch in the water line near the corner of the eye.


Here is when you will sketch out the high arched eyelid. Once you do this sketch out the creases and folds around the eye, along with the long thick lashes. Be sure to add detail where needed.


For the last drawing step all you have to do is sketch in the thick, expressive wrinkling under and around the eye like so. The wrinkles should be drawn to form "bags". Erase the mistakes then you're done.


Here is what the horse's eye looks like when you are all done. You can color in the horse to any shade, pattern and design you like.

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January 29, 2017

Description: Okie dokie folks, here is my last lesson for the day and instead of a four pawed species, how about the eyes of an animal that has hooves. Up next we will be tackling the task of learning "how to draw horse eyes", step by step. The horse are one of my favorite animals species on the planet. They are so magical because they have the ability to make little girls always ask for one when their birthdays roll around. I wanted to make sure that the horse eye I drew, looked almost exactly what they do in real life. They have this glossy, sheen to their stare both on the eyeball itself, and the surrounding area of the eye which is the horse's skin. Well guys, I hope this lesson is all you'd hoped it would be. I will return tomorrow with some more artistic fun so come back around. Adios, peace out, farewell.

#how to draw horses #how to draw animal eyes #horse sketch
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