How to Draw a Ninja Star

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To start this drawing lesson step on a ninja star, all you have to do is draw a small circle for the center of the weapon. Next draw four long swirl like lines that will make up the blades.


Okay, now you will draw out the actual shape of the ninja star. Here you can be as creative as you can be and draw your own blade design. Or you can keep it simple and just follow the steps you see here when drawing the ninja star.As you can see betw   


For your last drawing step all you have to do is draw the lining for where the sharp blade edges will be. Once that is done you can erase all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one to clean up your drawing.


This is what your drawing looks like when you are done. Color it in and you have just learned "how to draw a ninja star step by step".

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October 29, 2009

Description: Hi gang welcome back to and to another drawing lesson for you all. This next tutorial has been requested by so many members for so long. I am happy to say that I will be showing you “how to draw a ninja star" step by step. Ninja stars are awesome circular throwing devices with extremely sharp edges. They come in all different sizes and shapes and they are all used for different forms of defense and offensive tactics. These weapons are called "ninja stars" because they are almost always used by Ninja. The proper name for these weapons is “shuriken” and they are traditional Japanese blades that are made to be easily concealed. Shurikens are used by ninja's for throwing, stabbing, slashing, and even puncturing their victims and enemies. When the ninja star was introduced they were nothing more then sharpened hand held objects like needles, nails, and knives. Shurikens were also made from other flat or circular objects like coins, washers, and even homemade shards of metal. In the west these stars are called or referred to as “death stars”, "Chinese stars", "ninja stars", and other assorted names that have to do with sharp pointed objects that can be lethal in every which way possible. I have always been fond of ninja stars and because of that I thought it would be only right to fulfill the request that has been long awaited by many, many members. Drawing shuriken weapons can be incredibly fun because you can develop your own design, and make a unique ninja star that exists only to you. I think you will have fun with this lesson on “how to draw a shuriken step by step”. I will be back later with more drawing fun, and I will also be drawing live later on today so keep and eye out for that as well. Peace out folks and have fun drawing this Japanese weapon.

#how to draw a ninja #draw ninjas #draw ninja warriors #how to draw ninja
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