How to Draw a Bloody Rose

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Start by making a circle for the base of the rose flower.


Begin drawing out the top portion of the rose. As you know the rose bloom is drawn using a spiral technique. You are contently drawing lines that go on an upscale position.


Simply draw in three lines that will add so much detail to the rose. Draw a horizontal line at the top of the center bloom, and then make a swoosh mark on the very same petal. Finish off this step by sketching a light dash on the left petal.


Draw out the base of the rose. An easy way to get started is to draw a bowl like shape at the base, and then work your way up. The petals on the edge are torn or split from being abused or from age. After all this is a bloody rose.


Here is where you can customize the blood that is dripping on the pedals. You can make a speckle, splat, sprayed, poured, or blotted pattern.


You can start cleaning up your drawing if you didn't do so already. Once the rose is cleaned up and freed from mistakes, you can draw out the leaves in a narrow pointed fashion, and then add the stem.


When you are all done here is what your drawing should come out looking like. Now you can choose to color in the rose using a pretty shade you like.

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September 18, 2011

Description: Well, there is so many things that people request from me and when I read through what folks want, I’m sort of blown away because there is tons, and tons of ideas that I would never have thought of. Because of this, I am so appreciative of how people just give me ideas after idea. This next tutorial is an example of what I am talking about. Everyone knows that roses are beautiful and they can be drawn or purchased in a variety of colors, arrangements, and even sizes. The reason why I am talking about this now, is because it sort of correlates with the tutorial I am about to submit. A member sent in a request to make a lesson on "how to draw a bloody rose", step by step. Now because I love creative ideas and cool concepts, I went ahead and filled the request. The rose is an egg shell white color and instead of drawing a stubby style rose, I thought a slender style would be best for the type of drawing concept I was about to do. There is also the foundation leaves at the base of the rosebud, and since this part of the rose is green, there is some kind of brightening color to add light onto the drawing. Out of all the roses I have drawn so far, I’m gonna have to say that this rose is my favorite because I think I did such an awesome job recreating a rose that is in the process of blooming. I hope you enjoy learning "how to draw a bloody rose". If you have any creative and cool ideas for tutorials, be sure to drop me a line to let me know. In the meantime have fun, and be sure to draw roses in a patient manner.

#how to draw roses
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