How to Draw Chibi Wrestler Nacho Libre

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In this first step you will draw out the guidelines and shapes to make a stubby frame for Chibi Nacho. Start off by drawing a medium sized circle for his head with the facial guidelines drawn in. Next draw an afro shape outline for his hair. You will   


Right now Chibi Nacho looks a little crazy, but that will soon come to an end. Now you will make the first outlines for his eyes and mouth along with the shapes of his ears. Next start shaping out his body and make sure you give him a slight roll on    


As you can see you are almost done done, but almost doesn't count in my book! So now you will start sketching in his hair line above his forehead as shown using a jagged stroke. Next give him the shapes of his eyeballs and some top teeth. You will no   


The first thing you will do is erase all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one because you don't need them anymore. Now you will draw the lining for his curly hair and then a set of mean looking eyebrows. Color in his pupils and then de   


Here you are! This is what your Chibi wrestler should look like when you are done. Just color him in with red and turquoise and he will be complete. That will do it for this tutorial I hope you had a blast learning how to draw Chibi wrestler Nacho Li   

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August 15, 2008

Description: Who is ready to draw a wicked funny character from one of my favorite movies? Today I have a special treat for you all because I will be showing you how to draw Chibi wrestler Nacho Libre. For those of you who don’t know who I am talking about I will tell you. Nacho Libre is a movie that stars Jack Black. He plays a monastery cook that daydreams of being a famous Luchador one day. His name in the movie is Nacho and he was sent to the monastery after his parents died. It’s pretty much safe to say that he is an orphan, and he grew up as an orphan in the monastery, and now he is in charge of cooking the food for all the orphans that reside in the monastery’s orphanage. Nacho knows that he was born to do great things with his life. He also knows that the children will continue to go without because they have no real food to eat. While Nacho was off picking up the chips that are donated to the children form a local eatery, he was suddenly attacked by a slender, tall Mexican man that wanted the chips that Nacho had in his hands. As the two struggled and fought, the chips went flying and the mystery man fled the seen with what was left of the chips. Back at the monastery Nacho was serving the other Monks and one asked “where are the chips?” Nacho replied “they were stolen from me!” He was later told that he didn’t know how to do anything right. Discouraged and alone, Nacho went looking for the fella that stole the chips to see if he wanted to join him as a partner in the wrestling ring. The two of them eventually become Luchadors and their stage names are Nacho and Esqueleto and they were the funniest act in the whole movie. I rip my stomach apart every time I sit and watch this flick. If you haven’t seen this movie yet I suggest you do. In fact rent this movie over the weekend and if you don’t laugh as hard as I did then you have no humor. I will show you how to draw Chibi wrestler Nacho Libre step by step. I know you will have fun with this drawing because he is such a funny character to look at. Every time I look at this Chibi version of Jack Black I start chuckling. I will be back with more drawing for you to learn from.

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