How to Draw Louise Belcher

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As you can see by this stick figure, Louise is a very energetic young girl that is full of energy. You will begin her development by drawing her head shape and add the guidelines for the face and body like so.


Now you will completely draw out the shape of her entire body outline like you see here. This includes her head, neck, torso, legs, arms, and hands.


Now you are ready to draw out the rabbit shaped hat that Louise wears starting with the ears. Then draw in the eyes, eyelashes, and her excited smile, and then draw out her dress like so.


Once this step is done you are already finished with this lesson on Louise Belcher. See how easy that was. Finish drawing out her hat, and then add some scratch detailing on the ears like so. Next, draw or color in some dots for the eyes, and draw in   


Look how cute she looks now. Color her in and you are all done drawing the daughter of Bob Belcher. I do hope you had a blast with this lesson even if you don't know who she is as of yet.

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January 5, 2011

Description: I might as well submit this lesson on Bob Belcher’s daughter even though there is absolutely no info on her at all. This tutorial is going to show you "how to draw Louise Belcher" from the new animated comedy series Bob’s Burgers which is going to air January 9th of 2011. The series is supposed to be surprisingly good but I don’t know if the characters will be popular because they are so…weird looking. Nonetheless I will still do my best to get the main figures drawn and uploaded just in case they become the next big thing over the coming months or even years. Louise Belcher is a little odd because she walks around with a pink bunny hat on almost all day long. She is the youngest out of three siblings with the oldest being her sister Tina Belcher who is your typical thirteen year old girl that dreams about love, romance, and roses. Her brother is the middle aged kid that is what you call the neighborhood prankster, but he is still into his music. Gene is what you call a wise guy with talent. Louise on the other hand believes in her father’s dreams but just because she has faith in her pappy, that doesn’t mean she should stick around the family business. Anyways even though the characters look a little funny, I still look forward to seeing how it will pan out. Hopefully it is a hilarious show that does really well. Enjoy this lesson on "how to draw Louise Belcher" from Bob’s Burgers. I’m sure you will find that even though she is quite odd looking, her face still brings a smile upon yours. Peace out people!

#how to draw bobs burgers characters
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