How to Draw Peeing Calvin

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Alright, start off by drawing the framework for Calvin. Not much is required for this character since he's composed of simple lines. There shouldn't be too much detail put into him. Make sure you draw the guides as accurately as possible.


Then, start drawing the shape of the face as well as the spiky hair. Be sure to keep in tune with the guidelines since a lot of the placement depends on it.


Next, draw the body frame as well as the eyes. Take your time as you do this since it can be tedious to place the features correctly.


Then, add the extra details and the large looping pee shoot. Add the splatters at the end to create the full effect of peeing. Finish off by adding extra details like the shoes and stripes. The smile should be drawn effectively.


Lastly, finish off by erasing your guidelines and cleaning up your essential base lines. I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial; thanks for viewing!

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December 5, 2010

Description: I found an awesome character that I wanted to draw in the past but I never knew his name. I finally found out who he was and now I can show you all how to draw Peeing Calvin, step by step. You may not notice the name “Peeing Calvin”, instead you might know this very popular by face. He is the little boy decal that is on a lot of peoples cars. He is seen turned from the back peeing on things like baseball team logos, different brands cars like Ford, Toyota, and Chevy, and he is also seen peeing on other stuff as well that is usually customized. I had such an awesome time with this tutorial because he is one of my favorite figures from pop culture. It was interesting to see how he became such a pop icon, and did you know that he is originally a character from the famous comic book script, Calvin and Hobbes? It's true, Calvin became popular for peeing on stiff when he peed on Hobbes head. Anyways, I think you will like learning how to draw Peeing Calvin, step by step. He is one popular icon that everyone can enjoy drawing. Be sure to add your favorite symbol, team, or anything else you don't like. Peace out people, and have an awesome day!

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