How to Draw a Nautical Star

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Start with a short looking vertical line which will be for the center of the stars design or frame.


Now you will draw an arrow head shape like you see here, and make sure the edges are nice and straight. It should look like a triangle, the only difference is instead of a horizontal bottom line, the lining dips in on both sides.


Now you will draw out the stars arms, and when you do this, try and make the arms equal in size. This will ensure that you have a nice neat drawing.


On order to make this star look like the famous nautical star, all you need to do now is color in each side of the tip, arms, and legs like you see here. Before you do this you might want to erase the guidelines you drew in step one.


That's it, your star is done. You can color it in the shade of your choice, or you can leave it black and white like you see here. I hope you had fun with this lesson on how to draw a nautical star.

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September 29, 2010

Description: I told you guys before that I was going to submit another tutorial on the nautical star. Now I know I wasn’t live yesterday and that’s because I wasn't here, I was actually at the store doing some shopping for my pups. Anyways, I’m back, and with my return I bring another lesson on "how to draw a nautical star", step by step. Anybody who has visited the other nautical star on the site should know that there is a big conversation I have with all the viewers on what the star symbolizes, and the origins of the star. Now because I already went over this subject with you guys, I will keep this description short and sweet. All I will say is I hope it is a better lesson then the old one. Over the years of having Dragoart, I must have received ten different e-mails asking me if I could draw a nautical star that is better laid out then the one I have now. I’m sorry for all you artists out there that have asked me for a newer version of the star of hope, but I have been so busy with this site to improve it so that everyone can enjoy themselves while they are here. So after three years, I hope you guys like this lesson on "how to draw a nautical star", and if you have any other questions for me, just ask and you shall receive. That’s all I have to say for this description, I will return later with more drawing fun.

#draw stars #how to draw stars
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