How to Draw Chibi Couples


You will have to do double the work with this tutorial because there is two chibi people you will be drawing. Start by making two circles for the heads and then add the facial guidelines. Next, draw the wire framing for their bodies.


Instead of sketching out both hairstyles, I just want you to focus on the female instead. Begin by drawing the shape of her face, and then sketch out her entire hairstyle.


Next, draw out the shape of her torso, which is also her summer dress. Add some folds on her waist, and a bump for a breast.


Here, you will start using the facial guidelines to draw out her thick eyelids which is also her lashes. Next, draw the small hair clip bow in her hair, and then draw the back design of her dress. Next, add some ruffle on the bottom of her dress, and   


Next, start sketching out the shape of the chibi boys face, and then begin drawing his hair line, and ears. Next draw the top lids of his eyes.


Finish off his spiky hair style, and then draw out his eyeballs, and eyebrows. You will then draw out both of their arms, and then add some detailing inside of his ear.


Next, draw out his mouth, and then add some more hair in the back of his head. You will then begin drawing out his torso shape or sweater shirt.


Well, you have reached the final step. It's now time to draw out his pants and or legs, and then detail those pants with some pockets. Erase all the lines and shapes that you drew in step one to clean up your work.


Now that you are done, this is how your drawing should come out. Great job everyone, have fun coloring in your chibi couple drawing.

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June 12, 2010

Description: Wow, those last two tutorials took a toll on my writing abilities because I am getting really bored with writing right now. That's besides the point though, because there is much more to be done, and much, much more to be drawn. For my fourth tutorial, I will be showing you "how to draw chibi couples", step by step. I really had so much fun drawing out these two chibi characters because they not only look so neatly drawn, they actually came out looking wicked cute and happy. Another cool thing I love about this drawing, is the coloring job I did. The colors are so bright, and vibrant, and the shades I used makes this couple look alive and active. The purple hair, and blue eyes on the chibi boy matches incredibly well with not only his blue shirt, and purple pants, but also the chibi girl's pink hair and yellow summer dress. I didn't want to draw chibi people just standing there looking bored. Instead I wanted to draw a couple in an action pose doing something fun. So, what I did was, draw a chibi couple dancing and swinging with their legs shake, rattle, and rolling. At first this lesson may come across as being complex and tricky, and you're right, it just may be. The truth is, if you read the instructions and follow the steps, you will find that teaching yourself "how to draw chibi couples" is a lot easier then you thought. Well, that's number four which means I still have three more to go. I will be back soon, so stick around.

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