How to Draw an Elf Girl

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Since you will be drawing an elf from the side view, you have to be patient. Start with a round shape for the head, draw a neck line, and attach it to the shape of her torso. Next draw the hip, and then add the long legs lines and the shape of the mu   


Draw in the side view of the elf girl's face and then draw her hair line that is framing around her face.


Sketch the shape of her hair style and in this case, she is wearing a big puffy ponytail. Once that is done you can add the band that is holding her hair in place, and then draw the large pointed elven ear as you see here. If you like, you can draw h   


Finish sketching out her arm which is being viewd from the side, and then draw the shape of her neck. Next finish drawing the torso, and for my sketch, I drew in some cute warm looking arm socks. Sketch out her breast, and the lining for the top of h   


You will finish drawing her face by add the lips, and eye. Next draw the round shape of her buttocks, and then her upper thigh. I drew this elf girl wearing a short one piece outfit, but you can use your won imagination if you like and dress her in a   


Continue to sketch out her legs as you see them here, and then draw the knee high leg warmers that I wanted to add to her attire. Make sure to add the fold at the top of the leg warmer, and then draw the shape of some of her foot. Next add the first    


For your last drawing step all you have to do is sketch out her feet, add more detailing to her leg warmers, and then draw the rest of the mushroom she is sitting on. Have fun with your elf girl, and play with all the possibilities. Erase any unwante   


Look how pretty she is sitting there all by her lonesome. Color her in and you just drew a beautiful elf girl, step by step. Good work, and join me again.

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May 22, 2017

Description: Guess what? I only have three elves in my fantasy category and all three are fairly old. I thought I would do another lesson that will show you "how to draw an elf girl", step by step. I have two female versions of an elf, but since my sister has been playing WOW quite often, I figured I would draw an elf girl in her image. I spoke of elves in previous tutorials, as in the description for the sub-category section. This drawing turned out okay, I won't go as far as saying it is awesome because it isn't. After looking at it I can see the flaws in the sketch. But, I guess it's okay. The one thing I would like to change but my sister don't want me to, is the size of the ears. She says that they are perfect because they look just like the elf ears in the game. You know what I say to that?, “whatever”! Anyway, drawing elves can be so much fun because you can have fun with their look, clothes, and even background. I drew this elf sitting on a huge mushroom that grows wild in the mountain forest she is from. I named her Milicia because she looks like a lonely and confused elven girl. Before I go, I would like to remind you all that you can draw elves to look big, small, or even tiny. There is really no certain size that these beings come in since they are created in all different sizes and creeds. There is even fantasy creatures called elven fairies too. Maybe I will do tutorial on a concept character of that nature, who knows. Well that does it for now, have fun learning "how to draw an elf girl". As you know I will be back with some more fun lessons for you all and be sure to join me for Livestream tonight. Adiós people, and happy drawing!

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