How to Draw Belle

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Start off this first step by drawing out some simple shapes and guidelines. Draw the head first with facial guidelines and the the guidelines for the torso and arms. After that draw the half mooned shape for the bottom of her dress.


Next what you want to do is draw out her eyes, nose, and mouth along with the beginning shapes of her hair in the front. Now draw out the shape of her dress starting at the shoulders and draw the arms and hands as well. After you do all the work that   


At this point Belle is starting to take some what of a shape. Sketch out more of her hair line and then draw out some more ruffle to the sleeve of the gown that hangs off her shoulders. What you want to do next is start drawing out the ruffle down th   


In this last step you will be drawing out the rest of her hair and detailing it as well. Next shade in the color of her eyes and detail her mouth a bit more. Define the ruffles on the shoulders and sketch in the ruffles and ribbons on the bottom part   


That is it you are done. All you have to do now is color her in and make her beautiful. That was so easy to do wasn't it? I know! Well that does it for this tutorial on how to draw Belle from Disney's Beauty and the Beats I hope you had some fun!

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April 21, 2008

Description: In this last tutorial I'm submitting another lesson on a very beautiful and popular Disney Princess. Drawing Beauty and the Beast characters is fun, but when it comes to learning "how to draw Belle", from the Disney movie Beauty and the Beast. This was a heart felt movie and very entertaining as well. The character Belle is not your typical small village gal. Unlike most girls her age she loves to keep her nose tucked away in books, she cares for and tends to her scientific father who the whole town thinks is a loon, and she is sought after by the village stud Gaston. Now, Belle wants nothing to do with this aggressive fella all she wants to do is be left alone and dream of a far off enchanted place, just like she reads about in her books. Belle often helps her father finish inventions that he builds and later takes to the county fairs to win money and become a famous inventor. Even though Belle believes in her dad she knows that there is more to her life than just sitting around an old village. It isn’t until her father leaves with his wood chopper invention to the fair that leaves Belle making a choice that will change her life forever. When her father gets lost in the woods he stumbles upon a big worn down castle. Hoping he will find someone there so he can spend the night and get out of the cold, he gets himself involved in something much more than that. The castle he stumbled upon happens to be cursed and turned everyone that lived there into pieces of furniture or dishware. After he was kindly greeted by a candle and a clock the master of the castle comes in and rips him off the chair and throws him in a dungeon for trespassing into his home. Phillip the horse finds his way back home to Belle where she automatically jumps on top of the horse to go look for her father. Finding his hat lying on the ground she continues to approach the gates and into the castle. After being led by the candle up the stairs to where her father was being held captive, she desperately cries for help and the Beast makes himself known. In an attempt to save her father she trades places with her sick old papa and becomes a prisoner of the enchanted castle. Later on through the story she finds herself oddly attracted to the Beast and they fall in love and with her love the curse is broken and the Beast turns into a handsome prince once again. This was a favorite classic Disney movie for me and drawing Belle was also very fun. In this tutorial you will learn "how to draw Belle" from Beauty and the Beast step by step. The instructions are easy to follow and understand. I hope you too will have a blast drawing out this beauty from afar.

#how to draw disney princesses #how to draw beauty and the beast characters
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