How to Draw Kawaii Vegeta

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Just draw two shapes for the head and small body. You will then sketch in the facial guidelines.


Define the shape of Kawaii Vegeta's face like so and also incorporate the ear and pointed hairline.


Up next, draw in Vegeta's face in a cute Kawaii style. This should consist of the thick eyebrows, round simple eyes, a frown for a mouth and then some detailing to the face as you see here.


We will now work on drawing his flame like styled hair. It's not all over the place like Goku's, instead it just stands straight up.


The face and head is done. We can now draw the upper body. The shoulders first then the arm, gloved hand and torso.


Lastly, draw Kawaii Vegeta's legs which are in boots. Finish the body and you are done. Erase the mistakes if you made any and the guides too.


That's it, Kawaii Vegeta is ready to color in. This was a fun tut wasn't it? Don't forget to upload your work to Drago for others to see.

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November 29, 2016

Description: Everyone loved Kawaii Goku so how about a lesson on his sometimes enemy. Today we will have fun with this short and simple tut on how to draw Kawaii Vegeta, step by step. Aside from Goku, Vegeta was also one of my favorite characters from Dragon Ball Z. His attitude and personality really connected with me and when drawing this version of Vegeta it brought me back to my childhood. Anyways, there is really not much I can say with this tut because its just on a Dragon Ball character that we already know everything about. So go ahead and have a blast drawing this Kawaii version of Vegeta and I will ready my next tuts. Adios amigos.

#how to draw dragon ball z #how to draw dragonball #how to draw kawaii #how to draw dragonball characters
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