How to Draw a Scared Mummy


Begin the first step by drawing three circles for the head and body guides.


Begin drawing the shape of the mummy's face. When that is done draw the large eyes and color them in. You will also need to draw the shoulder, arm and hand. Also add some bubbles on the head.


Finish drawing the head and then work on drawing the left arm and hand. You will also draw in the bandages as well to complete the mummy look.


For this last and final step you will draw the body of your scared mummy. I didn't include the bandage steps because you should already know to add them as well. Erase whatever mistakes you made along with those guides I told you to draw.


That's all there is to it. Now you can have fun coloring in your scarred mummy.

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October 2, 2016

Description: Hi guys, instead of giving you a simple boring tutorial on a mummy, I wanted to do something fun and show you all how to draw a scarred mummy, step by step. I hope you like this Halloween inspired lesson guys.

#how to draw mummies
1 - Super Cool
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