Drawing Hokage Naruto

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Begin like we always do when making people. Start with a head shape, and body guides.


Next, draw the cloth that sits under Naruto's hat and on top of his head. Add the hair or bangs which are short and sort of spiked. Define the shape of his face as well.


We will draw in Naruto's aged face next. Start with the eyebrows and then draw the eyes. Next, draw in his nose, mouth and marks on his cheeks.


We will focus on his clothes next. Draw the cape first, then draw in the arms, chest and some of his waist. Notice one of the arms is bent with his hand resting on his hip. The other arm is up in the air. Add the wrinkles, crinkles and design pattern   


For the last drawing step you will draw in the hat which looks a lot like a saucer. Draw in the lid and then his left hand. The left hand is wrapped with some sort of bandage. Erase the mistakes and the guides.


That's it, you are done drawing old Naruto who is Boruto's father. Color him in and show people who you drew.

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June 3, 2016

Description: There is no way that I can go back and do lessons on some characters from Naruto even if it's not Naruto himself, just his son and daughter. Today I had to make a tut on drawing Hokage Naruto or Naruto in his Hokage form or what he looks like as a dad. I loved how this drawing came out so much, that I kept staring at it for a while when I was done. Drawing these Naruto characters takes me back to my childhood. I hope you have fun with this tut, I will be back with another character from the show.

#how to draw naruto
1 - Super Cool
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