How to Draw Tyler From Supernoobs


Make the head shape and then draw the guidelines for the body.


Define the shape of his face like so. As you can see his face is sort of long. Draw in his ear and proceed to step three.


Up next, draw in the hairstyle which is puffy and sort of messy. When that is done you can draw the eyebrows and some of the scruff to the hairdo.


We will draw in his lazy eyes, then his nose and finally his smirk.


We will draw the neck, then draw in the shirt which also makes up the torso.


Draw the shorts and then the puffy looking hands.


Lastly, draw in the legs and then his shoes. Once that is done you can erase the mistakes and guides.


This is the line art when you are done. When you feel like everything is neat, you can color Tyler in.

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February 9, 2016

Description: So Tyler is the main character from Supernoobs and that is who you will be drawing next. In this lesson we will be learning how to draw Tyler, step by step. Tyler is twelve years old and his best friends are Kevin, Sharp and Roach. He has blonde hair, wears a green shirt and blue shorts. Using his blue battle ball he has the ability to teleport. Anyways, have fun drawing Tyler and I will be back with one more tut.

#how to draw supernoobs #how to draw supernoobs characters
1 - Super Cool
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