How to Draw Megaforce Red, Red Ranger

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We will start with an egg shape like so and sketch in the facial guidelines.


Using the guide you just drew, begin to draw out the actual structure of the helmet that covers Troy's face and head. Add the grooved where the mouth will go and proceed to step three.


Okay, so here you will draw in the design of the mask which showcases the eye area and then draw the symbol on the forehead. I do believe it's two swords.


Lastly, finish the head shape and then draw in the neck, jacket collar and shirt collar. Add some detailing and you are ready to erase those mistakes.


Here is the line art. Just color in Megaforce Red and show others who you just created.

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March 6, 2017

Description: So, today I will begin the day with a lesson on a character from a series franchise that I really didn't do much lessons on at all. Because of this I thought I would test out the concept to see if anyone enjoys the tut, and to see if more are requested. So, here is how to draw Megaforce Red, step by step from the Power Rangers. When this ranger is not dressed in red, he is known as Troy Burrows. Troy is also the leader of the Power Rangers which makes him pretty important. Anyways, if you like Power Rangers and have been wishing that there are more tuts on these characters, here is a new lesson on drawing Megaforce Red. If there are other Rangers you would like to see, please let me know by leaving a comment below.

#how to draw power rangers #how to draw power rangers characters
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