Cupcakes Drawing Lesson


Start with the head guide and sketch in the facial guidelines as well as the guidelines for the arms.


Define the shape of the baker's face. When that is done draw in the bang strands followed by the shape of her ear.


Finish the hairstyle by drawing the top part of her head and then draw the bun. Add the crease lines for the hair texture detail, then draw in the other ear followed by the hair on the back of her neck.


Use the facial guidelines to draw in the big eyes, then add the lashes, eyebrows and then draw the mouth, cheeks and frosting on her cheeks. Don't forget to detail inside the ears too.


Let us draw the baker's neck and then draw in her shoulders, the layered tee shirt and then draw in some of the chest.


Up next, draw in the arms and hands. Notice how they are in an upright position. The hands are flat open as well for the cupcakes.


We will start the drawing process for the cupcakes. Draw the thick swirled frosting and then draw in the cherry.


For the last drawing step all you have to do is draw in the faces on the cupcake bottoms, and then draw in the sprinkles on the cupcakes. Erase the guidelines and mistakes, then you're done.


Here is the line art when you are all done. Now you can go ahead and color in your drawing.

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December 14, 2015

Description: Hey folks, today I have for you a couple lessons that are super cute and will be really fun to draw. I will start with this simple concept on drawing Cupcakes and a girl eating them. I was going to call this a bakery lesson, but that wouldn't make sense. So here is my idea on how cupcakes are draw, eaten and how a person looks as they are eating cupcake goodness. Anyways, have fun folks and make sure you stay tuned in to see what else will pop up.

#how to draw girls #how to draw cupcakes
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