How to Draw Tramp


Like with all the lessons you will start with: "how to draw Tramp's body frame". First draw a total of three circles; one for the head, another for the mid portion of Tramp's body and then a circle for the butt. Add the facial guidelines to the head    


You will now start learning how to draw Tramp's ears that are so cute. Tramp has ears that are semi-erect, so that is how you will draw them out. Next sketch out the shape of his left brow and then the shapes for his eyes.


Sketch out more detailing lines for his ears and then finish off his eyes. You will continue to sketch out the shape of Tramp's face as seen here which includes the beginning lining for the bridge of his nose.


You will now sketch out the markings around his eyes and then color in the pupils. Next draw the top part of his mouth and or jowls, and then draw Tramp's nose, and back lining. You will then sketch out Tramp's front shoulder and neck as well.


Tramp is a scruffy looking dog so the lines that you make have to look a bit jagged. Finish off drawing Tramp's jaw and then his neck. You will now sketch out his chest and two front legs as seen here. The left leg has his paw partially drawn out as    


Now that your Tramp is coming along nicely, you can get more serious and finish the sketching of his leg, tummy, and hind legs. Sketch out the inner hind leg hiding behind the front leg and move to the next step.


Hey guys you have made it to the last drawing step and all you have to do is sketch out the rest of his lower body which includes the front paw and toes, hind legs, paws, and toes, and then his fluffy scruffy tail. Erase the guidelines and shapes tha   


This is what your Disney character should look like when you are done drawing him out. Get some colored crayons, markers or pencils and then start coloring him in. I hope you had fun learning "how to draw Tramp from Lady and the Tramp" step by step.

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June 5, 2009

Description: Now that the flag situation is over with and done, I am about to do some tutorials on a few Disney characters that we all love and enjoy watching. My first lesson is going to be on “how to draw Tramp from Lady and the Tramp” step by step. Tramp is a street dog that falls in love with an American Cocker Spaniel that lives with two humans named Jim Dear and Darling. The two bump heads when Lady escapes from a pet store to run away from Aunt Sarah because she was barking at her two Siamese cats Si and Am. Tramp is a very active, smart, live by the pants kind of dog and it is not quite sure what exactly his breed is. Through the movie he is known as a drifter that roams from place to place begging for food, getting into scruffs and sleeping alone in dark cold alleys. After the two dogs run into each other and get familiar with one and other, they begin to get strong feelings. There is an unforgettable scene that takes place in the movie where Tramp takes Lady out to diner at his favorite place to eat, “Tony’s Restaurant”. It is there where they share a plate of Italian style spaghetti and meatballs. While they are eating, they unknowingly come across the same strand of spaghetti and whined up touching lips. Tramp then moves the last meatball over to Lady with his nose as she looks at him with such affection. After that night the two knew that they had found someone special. The next morning Tramp asked lady to stay with him always and Lady said that she had to look after Jim Dear and Darling’s baby. Saddened by her response, Tramp agrees to take Lady home. The Disney animated movie “Lady and the Tramp” was brought to life on the big screen in 1955. When it was released, the movie touched children and adults alike. I always liked this movie and I can’t believe that I never thought to do a lesson on the two main characters. So I present to you my hard work and tutorial on “how to draw Tramp from Lady and the Tramp step by step“. Learning “how to draw Disney’s Lady and the Tramp characters” will be a breeze because all the steps are laid out neatly making it easy for you to understand and follow. Have fun and Peace out!

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