How to Draw the Canadian Flag

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Start with three vertical lines for the box that the maple leaf will reside in. Learning how to draw the Canadian flag is going to be very easy. Next draw two close horizontal lines in the middle of the center vertical line.


You will now start to draw the top parts of the maple leaf as you see here. Make sure the lines are drawn out the same exact way to ensure that you get an even design.


Continue on to draw the top sides of the maple leaf and then you can move to the next step. Each side of the maple leaf has three points.


Finish drawing the maple leaf as you see here and then you have just finished your last drawing step. Erase the guidelines except the ones on the right and left hand sides and then move to step five.


This is your simple design of the Canada flag. All you have to do now is grab a red crayon, marker, or pencil and color in your maple leaf as well as the right and left side blocks. I hope you had fun learning "how to draw a Canadian flag" step by st   

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June 2, 2009

Description: Well, I have done a lesson on the American flag as well as five other things. I wanted to start the day by submitting another flag tutorial but this time it will be on “how to draw the Canadian flag step by step”. I chose the flag from Canada to do because some of the DragoArt members are from Canada and because one of my best friends is from that country as well. I don’t know too much about the Canadian flag so I had to do some research to find out when the birth of the flag took place. Here is what I found out; It all started when the Canadian Privy Council started a research for a new design for a national flag back in 1925. Unfortunately the work the Council started in 1925 was never completed and was picked up again twenty one years later. The committee was approached with more than two thousand six hundred flag designs in 1946, and again Canada never voted on what flag design they wanted and the concept was forgotten about until Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson wished that the government adopt a distinctive national flag during the beginning year of 1964. After a few months, in October of 1964 to be exact, the committee looked through hundreds of designs and chose only three to choose from. The choices where; a red ensign with the Fleur-de-lis and the Union Jack, another design was the incorporation of three red colored maple leaves, and then finally the last design to choose from was of one red maple leaf on a white square with red blocks on each side. Initially the flag with the three maple leaves was favored, but after a long review and different opinions arose, the Canadian flag was to be created with a single red maple leaf on a white field with red borders on each side. The red and white colors of Canada was appointed to the country by King George V in 1921. The national flag of Canada came to be and three men were credited with the creation, design, and concept. Lester B. Pearson, John Matheson, and Dr. George Stanley. Now That is what I have learned about the Canadian flag and I will leave you guys to learn “how to draw a Canadian flag” step by step. When you start this lesson remember that when teaching yourself “how to draw the Canada flag”, you will need to draw the rectangle box on your sheet of paper or you can just use your sheet of paper as the rectangle box and just fill it with a red maple leaf and red borders. I have to go but I will be back. See you guys in a bit okay, peace out!

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