How to Draw an Anime Face Profile

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Start with a simple head guide like so, then sketch in the facial guidelines.


You can start to sketch out the profile of the anime face. Begin with the small forehead line and then flow down to draw the nose, mouth, lips, and chin.


We will now define the shape of his head and then draw the long pointed bangs. Add some thick chunks to make his hair look greasy.


We will sketch in the shape of his ear and then draw the stiff jacket collar. Add the zipper line as well.


We are already almost done with the drawing. Draw in a headband line and then draw in the large, distinctive eye. Add the lid crease and color in an eyebrow as well. You will also make the marking line on the cheek or you can leave it out it's really   


Lastly, sketch in some scuff marks on his face and then draw the other side of the jacket collar like so. You are now finished and can erase your mistakes and guidelines/shapes.


Once your drawing is complete, you can color in the face profile of this anime dude. Show off your drawing skills to someone you know and tackle another tut.

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April 17, 2015

Description: Hey guys, it's me again with another anime concept lesson that will show you how to draw an anime face profile, step by step. I like creating cool concept anime characters because I can make them look like anything I want or resemble what I am feeling at the time of drawing. The face you see before you now is based on an anime male's profile. The character design is not of anyone specific. Instead it's something that I thought of while listening to some fast paced music. The lesson in general will be pretty simple to replicate and you don't have to draw your face exactly like you see him here. You can add your own personal additions. So, having said all that, I hope you like this tut on drawing an anime face profile. I will return with more fun lessons so stick around.

#how to draw anime faces
1 - Super Cool
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