How to Draw Adam Levine, Maroon 5


Begin by sketching out the head guide or face guide and then sketch in the facial guidelines.


Here we will define the face structure for Adam Levine's face, and at the top also sketch in the hairline.


Continue to work on the head until his short spiky hair is sketch in. When that is done you can draw the ears and detail them as well.


Up next, sketch in the eyebrows like you see here. They shouldn't be too thin or too thick.


As you know Adam Levine has beady eyes or small eyes. You will draw in the shapes of his eyes along with the upper lid lines and creases. Add detailing under the eyes and some of the nose bridge.


Use the facial guidelines to draw the shape of Adam's nose, then draw the mouth or lips. Add detailing to the face by forming a chin as well.


Adam Levine almost always has facial hair. Lightly sketch in the facial hair then proceed to step eight.


We will finish our drawing on Adam Levine by sketching out the shape of his neck, then draw the shoulders, shirt collar and definition to his shirt. Erase the mistakes and guidelines as well.


That's all there is to it. Now you can have fun coloring in your drawing or you can leave Adam looking like a sketch.

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April 15, 2015

Description: Before I get to my last Star Wars related lesson, I thought I would go ahead and upload this tut on how to draw Adam Levine from Maroon 5, step by step. Lately, I have been listening to Maroon 5's song 'Sugar'. I think it has such a catchy beat and the video is awesome too. If you watch the video for Sugar the whole band goes to random wedding receptions and surprises the all the guests including the bride and groom by performing live in their hall. Adam Levine is awesome and drawing him was pretty cool. Maroon 5's Sugar video has more then three hundred, twenty five million views and I can see why. Go ahead and tackle this task on drawing Adam Levine from Maroon 5 and I will get busy with my next submission.

#how to draw real people #how to draw celebrities #how to draw singers
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