How to Draw a Chocolate Bunny


Make two shapes, one for the head and another for the body.


Using the head guide you can draw out the chocolate bunny's head and ear shape from a profile view.


We will draw the other ear and then move to step four.


Up next, draw the inside of the bunny's ear, then draw the eye shape, the indents on the face for the texture detail and then add the nose line to create the nose.


We will now use the body guide to draw out the actual shape of the bunny's body like so.


You are almost done with your chocolate bunny folks. All you have to do is draw the hind leg and then the bunny tail.


Let's finish off the chocolate bunny by drawing the front legs and hind foot. Erase the guidelines and shapes, then you're all done.


Now that you are done you can color in your chocolate bunny to make it complete.

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April 10, 2017

Description: Here is another filler that all Easter baskets should have or kids except to have in their baskets no matter what size they are. Today I will be showing you how to draw a chocolate bunny, step by step. I do have a lesson on a chocolate Easter bunny that I made a long while ago, but this one is much cuter and a lot more realistic looking. Notice the candy eye? It's the same color of the chocolate bunny eye that you find in Easter baskets. Drawing chocolate bunnies should be pretty simple and fun, and you can make as many as you like. Anyways, enjoy this tut folks. Like always I will be back with more lessons for everyone to enjoy.

#how to draw bunnies #how to draw candy #how to draw easter bunnies
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