How to Draw Saint Patrick, St Patrick

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Begin like we always do when drawing a person. Start with a head and torso guide like so, then sketch in the facial guidelines.


Using the head guide begin drawing out the outline for the hairline. This also frames the face which is in an oblong shape. Also, you will draw the ears too.


Up next, complete the hairstyle by drawing the tops and sides of the head. There should be layered lines as you can see.


Next, we will draw in the facial hair which is a thick, long beard. It's oddly shaped like you see here and full of texture.


Sketch in the simple face starting with the forehead wrinkles, then draw the thick eyebrows and color them in. You will then tackle the task of drawing the eyes, the bags under the eyes and then draw the broad nose. Add the lips, detailing under the    


Lastly, finish off the Irish Saint by drawing the shoulders in more detail, then sketch in all the definition to create the clothing. Erase your mistakes and the guidelines.


The line art is like so. Color in your drawing of Saint Patrick and then you're finished.

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March 12, 2017

Description: What would St. Patrick's Day be on Dragoart without a lesson on how to draw St. Patrick himself? I thought it would be a cool idea to make a lesson on this concept because after all, the Irish holiday is celebrated for all the acomplishments that St. Patrick did for the Irish. What are those acomplishments? Well, let's see... first, the Irish have been celebrating St. Patrick's Day for thousands of years. This religious day falls on March 17th every year which means days vary from year to year. Who is St. Patrick? He is the Patron Saint of Ireland and despite being an Irish Patron Saint, he was actually born in Britain and was of Roman decent. Believe it or not but, St. Patrick was actually kidnapped by Irish raiders when he was only sixteen years old. He was enslaved by the Irish raiders for six years before escaping. When he returned home he joined a church and then returned back to Ireland as a missionary and brought/taught Christianity to the Irish people in both the Northern and Western parts of Ireland. Anyways, now that you have a brief understanding who St. Patrick is and what he did for Ireland, you can have fun tackling this lesson on drawing the Irish Saint. I will be back with more fun in a bit so stay tuned in.

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