How to Draw an Iced Coffee

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This is going to be simple. Just draw the shape of the tapered glass or cup like so.


Next, you will draw the top of the cup which is the rim. Leave the back end empty because that area won't be seen when you draw in the whipped topping.


Like I said you would be doing, draw in the mound of whipped cream topping on the top of your iced coffee.


If you're drawing a glass add the thickness of the glass base like you see here. That's all you have to do with drawing an iced coffee.


Here it is. All this coffee needs now is some ice cubes and color, maybe even a straw. Wasn't that easy and fun?

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January 6, 2015

Description: If there is one thing I love no matter what time of day it is, or what the weather is like it's an iced coffee. Today I will show tribute for my love of coffee and show you all how to draw a decadent iced coffee step by step. I know this is just a drink, but come on and be honest; who doesn't love those creamy iced coffees whether they are lattes, cappuccinos, or just regular ground coffee? Over the years I have come to love the taste of coffee especially in those divine flavors like creamy caramel, eggnog spice, chocolate mocha, and so many more. If you are a coffee lover and drinker, I think you will agree that this lesson on drawing an iced coffee is going to make you want to have one of these beverages right now. Have fun folks and don't drink too much coffee, you don't want to get too geeked out!

#how to draw cups #how to draw drinks
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