How to Draw Arno Victor Dorian from Assassins Creed Unity


What pencils do I use to get those wonderful contrasts and details? Mechanical and graphite pencils with the graphite crayon give you leads starting from light (H=hard) to dark (B=soft). Click on the picture to see them. I will mention a lot of these   


Start off with a No.2 pencil to lightly sketch this figure. Measuring the height of this figure with the circle at top is 8-3/4 circles tall. You can use a straight edge for the V shape. Try to stay as close as possible to this figure.


Sketch in lightly lines a.) for shadowed eyes under hood, b.) bottom of nose, c.) top of lips, d.) curved line for shoulders & V-shape for torso, e.) left odd angled V is for right arm, f.) right odd angled V is for left arm.


Now sketch in the tunic-like red lines, along with the leg lines. The red circles are for his hands. Don't forget his weapons, like his sword and the strange rectangular lines for his crossbow.


Sketch in the details of his face, hood, cravat, and lapel.


Draw in the buttons and his vest.


if you need to, click on this picture for a larger version to see all the buttons, vest, hooks, belt, and glove details. Don't forget his coat tail blowing. Sketch lightly.


Now sketch in his weapons, which include his sword and crossbow. Don't forget the outline of his pants.


All you need to do here is sketch in some shadow lines, wrinkles and the inside of his leg pants. At this point you can erase your guidelines.


I made this line drawing especially for you. If you want you can either color it in or shade it.


Here is the outline done with a 2B pencil. Look closely and see if your lines look something like this. You can erase if certain areas like the eyes or nose don't line up. Take you kneaded eraser and dab off the shadow outlines or dark lines with you   


Before we start shading, this step will help with how to hold a pencil. The picture that goes with this step shows two different ways to hold your pencil to acquire certain effects. OVERHAND: Holding a sharpened pencil in normal writing form with fin   


Start shading with a pencil, even a No. 2 pencil will do well. Shade diagonally on his hood and where his eyes are shaded.


Same as the first picture, progress onto his shoulders. Make sure you add more pressure where the darker shading is. --The second picture, shade either diagonally or in little circles as you're progressing down his arm. Get those darker areas on his    


Now do his left arm, facing you. Do not shade in the white areas on his arm.


When you get to a larger area such as his pants, you can use the side of your pencil to cover a larger area. Be careful not to shade on his sword. If you do, just erase it.


Like the first picture, keep shading the rest of his legs and add folding textures on his vest, coat, etc. --The second picture, work on his coat tail and sword, even defining the handle.


Start the shading of the inside of his coat tail. I wanted to show how I do dark shading against a lighter object. Notice how I outlined the sword first before completing the shading. This helps from accidental shading on the sword.


Darken his coat (on the arms), add more shading or accent lines around his gloves and crossbow. Define his belts and belt buckle. Also begin to darken the lower part of his coat tail and pants.


To do a really nice and rich picture with depth takes times and numerous layers of shading to get that right touch. I'm darkening different areas to match the reference. Observe closely your picture to see if it is matching.


Ahhh, it is blending time. Take a blending stump or tortillon to smooth out the darken areas. I did not just take my blending stump and spread the shading everywhere. I only did it to the darker areas. Why? I didn't want to lose my fresh detailing. T   


On the first picture, it's time for the BACKGROUND! Start shading with a 9B pencil on its side for larger coverage. If you only have a No. 2 or HB pencil... use that, but it'll take a while to get that dark look. --On the second picture, I used my 9B   


I used my 9B graphite PENCIL to go over where my crayon left off. I wanted to smooth this out, blend in his pants more and watch where my lights and darks hit in this background. Now we can leave this as is at this point. BUT you know how I am with h   


You can add your highlights here on Arno Victor Dorian from Assassin's Creed Unity this time with Acrylics! No using sandpaper this time. Titanium White is fantastic and more accurate than the kneaded eraser for HIGHLIGHTS! Try it, you'll like it!


You can use your eraser, white pastel stick or pencil, OR TITANIUM WHITE ACRYLICS with a tiny paint brush to get this kind of effect. A light swift stroke of your kneaded eraser can get that ray of light effect. Those tiny accurate white lines I can    

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November 24, 2014

Description: Arno Victor Dorian was a French-Austrian Master Assassin active during the time of the French Revolution. An orphan who blamed himself for the death of his adoptive father, Arno sought redemption by joining the Assassins in 1789 and working to expose the true instigators of the Revolution, whilst also avenging him in the process. I'm glad to do another tutorial here and this time it's Arno Dorian from the popular Assassin's Creed video games. Thank you for stopping by and trying out my tutorial. If you Fav, Like It, or even Comment that would show your wonderful support. Luv n hugs to you all!

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