How to Draw Emo for Kids


Start by drawing the parted hair or the beginning of her hair in a parted style.


Draw in the shape of the face, then color in two small dots for the eyes and add the lashes. You will then draw a mouth and simple lined eyebrows.


Get started with the body by drawing the neck and shoulders followed by the arms and some of the hands.


Here we will draw the entire body shape which is in the form a dress shaped like a bell.


Add the dress collar line, then draw in the slits for the sleeves and the opening to the front of her dress. Don't forget to color in a choker.


Draw in her long straight hair and make sure the ends of her hair are notched a bit.


Lastly, draw in her simple shaped legs, and then her shoes. Erase all the mistakes and that is it.


The line art is done. Now you can color in the drawing. Good job folks I know you liked this emo for kids.

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August 7, 2014

Description: This lesson is so simple that anyone can do it. That is why I chose to go ahead and show everyone "how to draw emo for kids". I know there are kids who are misunderstood so this tutorial goes out to all you teens that want to draw something that best describes you in one picture. I hope you all like this tutorial, I mean you don't have to be a kid to tackle drawing emo for kids.

#how to draw emo #draw for kids
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