How to Draw a Jackal


Start off by making your body guides like so. This is the head, torso and limb guides.


Using the head guide begin sketching out the shape of the head and face. Start with the snout which is straight angled, then draw in the fluff or fur around the head which is the cheeks of this animal.


Complete the head shape with the enormous ear shapes for your jackal. The ears are large, wide and very erect.


Add detailing inside of the ear, then sketch in the marking line on the face and snout like so. Once that is done draw in the shape of the eye, then color in the eye ball. You will also draw the tip of the nose and whiskers.


Here you will draw in the thick shaped neck. When that is done you will also draw the jackal's shoulder bones. Since you are viewing and drawing this animal from a 3/4 back view, the shoulders will be seen in this manner. Add the shape for some of th   


Draw in the slender front leg and nicely angled paw. The elbow is also pointed.


You will now draw in the belly and back leg starting with the thigh. When the thigh is drawn from a back view, you can draw in the back paw as well. You should be able to see some of the paw padding.


Draw the angled lining of the back arch like so, then create the butt or back thigh for the jackal's second leg. Sketch in a short bushy tail as well.


Finish drawing the other hind leg and paw as you can see here.


Draw the other front leg and paw, then move to step eleven.


Now you can finish off your drawing by first erasing the mistakes and guides, then draw the marking stripe on the back of it's body. This is the area that you will color black.


That's all there is to it. You have just finished this lesson on drawing a black backed jackal. Now color the animal in.

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June 1, 2014

Description: I made a lesson on drawing a jackal a while back, (in 2008 to be exact) but I felt like making another one that is a bit more exciting in appearance. Today I will show you once again "how to draw a jackal". These animals are so cool. They are like dogs but they are recognized as being a form of wolf. Like the coyote, jackals are part of the opportunistic omnivores which is basically small animals that are predators and known scavengers. This jackal is what you would call the Black-backed jackal. There are three different jackal species; the black backed jackal, the side striped jackal and the golden jackal. This should be a fun tutorial to tackle because I made sure that this jackal looks cool enough for anyone to want to recreate. Have fun folks and look for more tuts coming your way.

#how to draw jackals
1 - Super Cool
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