How to Draw Rocky Horror Picture Show, Dr Frank N Furter


Begin by sketching out the head guide then sketch in the facial guidelines.


For the second step you will define some of the face shape like so. The good Doctor has a long framed face.


Use the facial guidelines to draw in the thick eyebrows, then sketch in some of the nose bridge.


Draw the eye shapes then draw the crease or folds over the eyes.


Up next, sketch in the tip of the nose, then draw in the perfectly lined lips which will be a full set. Add the indent to the cheeks, then draw in the eyeballs.


It's time to draw in the big curly hairstyle like so, and when you do this be sure the outer lining of the hair is curly and crimped up.


Add some random curls to his hairstyle, then proceed to step seven.


All you have to do here is draw the shape of his turned neck, then draw in the beaded pearl necklace.


Lastly, draw the back part then draw the chest and shoulder. Erase all the mistakes then you are done.


Here is the line art when finished. Now you can color in Dr. Frank N Furter from Rocky Horror Picture Show.

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April 16, 2014

Description: I know there is still a strong cult following of the iconic Rocky Horror Picture show film. This lesson is dedicated to the classic dark musical from the early seventies. Here is "how to draw Rocky Horror Picture Show", Dr. Frank N Furter, step by step. The main character of the film was portrayed by Tim Curry. I guess you could say that Dr. Frank N Furter was one of his most popular characters that he has been in as far as films go. The original take was actually called 'Rocky Horror Show' and it was a book written by Richard O'Brien who also made a playwright of the same name. The character that you will be drawing in honor of the film, is obviously Tim Curry's character. I had a lot of fun with this lesson because I am also a fan. If there are other legendary figures that you would like to see tuts on, don't forget to ask.

#how to draw real people #how to draw actors
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