Simple Owl for Kids


Draw a simple, slightly squashed oval shape for the body. (Please note that this picture is on the side, so tilt your head to the left!)


Next draw two large eyes that take up more than half of the body. Add a beak between them.


Next draw two cute little triangular ear tufts and two feet quite close together.


Now draw a branch that your cute little owl is sitting on.


Next draw some detail like feathers (triangles), eyes (I did mine looking to one side), and small lines where the wings are tucked away. Note: the eyes may look a little scary, but you'll see how it comes together in step 6.


For the final step, I went over the pencil lines in charcoal, but you could use anything that could outline the owl. I used the charcoal to fill in the eyes and made them have a reflection, possibly from the moon!

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February 15, 2014

Description: A cute little owl that is simple to draw.

1 - Super Cool
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