How to Draw Wyldstyle from the Lego Movie


Make a circle for the head, then sketch in the facial guidelines.


Using the guide you just made, draw in Wyldstyle's hairdo. Start with the parted bangs, then draw a small ponytail.


Define the shape of the face and make sure when you do that the hair ends up cupping the face.


Draw in the strand lines for the two toned look, then draw the eyebrows, color in the small beady eyes, then draw the mouth or lips. You will also need to add the freckles.


Up next, draw the collar for the jacket, then add the tab for the zipper.


Next, draw in the teeth that forms the zipper strip, and finish drawing the tab.


Okay guys you are almost done with your drawing. Draw the arm and the clasp like hand. Add detailing to her hand, then proceed to step eight.


In this eighth step you will draw out the other side of the body along with the right arm and hook like hand.


For the last drawing step you will first erase the mistakes and guides, then draw in the graffiti art on the entire right side of the body.


That's it, you are done with your drawing. Now you can add some fun bright colors to finish your drawing of Wyldstyle off.

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December 3, 2013

Description: I'm sure I mentioned before that there is a LEGO movie coming out in 2014 called simply "A LEGO Movie". This tutorial is on another character, so let's get started with "how to draw Wyldstyle", step by step. The LEGO Movie is supposed to be a big deal, but unfortunately I don't like LEGO's so I'm sure that you fans out there will appreciate this tut. Wyldstyle is going to be voiced by Elizabeth Banks, and that is all I basically know. Have fun and peace out.

#how to draw the lego movie #how to draw the lego movie characters #how to draw lego characters #how to draw lego
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