How to Draw Girl Ganondorf


Since this is a very big bodied character, the guides you will be making should also be large. Start with a small circle for the head then draw out the large triangular shape for the torso. Sketch in some guidelines then proceed to step two.


Next up, draw the actual face shape for this girl version of Ganondorf. The face should be pointed or angled like you see here.


Now you can draw in the evil looking eye, and notice it is very dark in appearance as well as being very expressive. I also added some lashes, a grin and some nostrils. Don't forget to add that frown line around the corner of the mouth.


Okay, here is where the size really comes in. You will draw the entire torso shape in the form of the robe girl Ganondorf wears. It's the very same clothing that the real character is dressed with. The long flared out sleeve should also be draw in as   


Up next, to make this female version of Ganondorf look bald, I chose to draw a receding hairline. The length of the hair should be long and thick, and when you are done with that you can draw in the ear as well.


Now comes time to draw in the markings and design pattern all over the clothing. There is also an emblem or medallion being worn on the chest and it looks to be a rabbits head. Add the rib indents to have the chest poke out, then when you are done wi   


Sketch out the length of the dress that this female version of Ganondorf is wearing then draw in two shoes which are a lot smaller then the actual person wearing them. You will also add the left sleeve as well.


Finally, finish everything off by sketching out the creases on the dress along with the belt. Take your time so the clothes get detailed properly. When you are satisfied with the results you can erase your mistakes.


That's all there is to it. Now you can have fun coloring in this concept drawing of a girl Ganondorf. I know you must have done a great job.

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October 28, 2013

Description: I know this may seem like a weird concept, and it may not even look that much different from the original character from the Zelda series. Having said that, here is "how to draw girl Ganondorf", step by step. The face and body shape is very similar to the original Ganondorf so if you have drawn this character from Zelda before you should be pretty familiar with the design and make up. This is one of the best villains from a video game so why not take a chance and make a lesson on drawing a girl Ganondorf. I do hope all you Legend of Zelda fans have fun with this concept, I still have two more characters from Zelda coming your way and one of them is in a transformed state. Adios mi amigos.

#how to draw zelda characters #how to draw legend of zelda characters
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