How to Draw Fish Ponyo

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Draw the cup or bowl shape for the face like so, then draw in the shaggy style bangs that fall on Ponyo's forehead.


Draw the shapes of the large eyes, then color in the pupils. You will then add a nose and small dash for a mouth.


Sketch in the shape of Ponyo's head in the form of some really short hair. When that is done you can proceed to step four.


This is the last step people. Draw the squiggle looking body starting with the short arms, and flat looking body with a circle on the front part of the stomach. Erase any mistakes you made.


The tutorial you tackled is all done. Now you can enjoy the task of coloring in this drawing.

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October 25, 2013

Description: How many people love the anime/manga movie from Hayao Miyazaki or Studio Ghibli called Ponyo? Well I know I love the movie and so does both my sisters. Even though I uploaded a lesson on Ponyo in her human form, I never did one on her fish form. Since I received a request to make such a tut I kind of figured that other people would also enjoy seeing a tutorial on "how to draw fish Ponyo", step by step. She is probably one of the most adorable characters from Hayao Miyazaki in both her fish and human form. Drawing Ponyo in her aquatic form was so fun and amazingly exciting. I know others will enjoy this lesson too so I hope you do well and when you are done you should show off your work.

#how to draw ponyo characters #how to draw ponyo
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