How to Draw Batman From The Lego Movie

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No guidelines since Batman is already a simple head to make. Draw a pair of ears, then draw the square style head.


Okay guys, draw the deep lining on the head which is a signature marking across the forehead. Draw in the simple shaped eyes, then draw the nose, mouth and mask outline around the mouth.


Next, draw the shoulders, then draw in the arms, hook style hands, and thin cuffs at the wrist.


Next up, draw the end of the torso line, then draw the shape of the crotch, as well as the trunk style legs. Detail the ankles and crotch too.


Here is a challenging task because as you can see you will have to begin the sketching process to drawing the chest shapes and muscle detailing. You will draw all three sections of the six pack abs, then draw in Batman's utility belt. Detail and shad   


And for the final step, draw the cape in the shape of a bat's wing. Erase all the mistakes, then you're done.


Wow that was fun. Now that you are done, you can begin coloring in this LEGO hero.

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October 6, 2013

Description: Of course there had to be another super popular superhero that will be in The LEGO Movie. Up next we will learn "how to draw Batman from The LEGO Movie", step by step. Batman will be voiced by Will Arnett. Now this is a name from Hollywood that I'm not visually familiar with, but I bet if I saw his face I would know who exactly he is. And guess what? I just checked and I was right. Will Arnet is the guy who starred in Blades of Glory as Chase Michael Michael's rival. He is also the guy that is married to Amy Poehler. Batman is also a very cool looking character in LEGO figure form. He was a bit challenging to recreate because of the different style stomach and chest muscle definition. Other than that, drawing Batman from The LEGO Movie should be a snap.

#how to draw the lego movie #how to draw the lego movie characters #how to draw lego characters #how to draw lego #batman drawing
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