How to Draw Jack Bauer from 24


In this step we are starting to draw Jack Bauer’s face and cheek. You might like to draw this in pencil first then with a black marker copy the shapes i have and fill in the outlines black. This may be a bit difficult because of all the small detai   


In this next step we will start to draw Jack's ear and erase any mistakes you have made.


In this step we are drawing Jack's right eye and eyebrows again, please stay with this tutorial because the end result is beautiful.


In this step we are drawing Jacks left eye and the part of his hair that falls over his forehead.


This step is probably the most tedious and time consuming one. We are drawing Jack Bauer’s left cheek, and his hands holding a gun. The picture is looking great only one more step to go.


In this step we are adding small dots to form the knuckles of the left hand and adding small dots near jack's ear and mouth to look like sideburns. That is the end of my tutorial I hope you enjoyed it!

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February 28, 2009

Description: Hi DragoArt members I'm logie2008 and today I will show you how to draw Jack Bauer from the hit T.V. show 24. I am very proud of this tutorial and hope you can follow it easily

1 - Super Cool
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