How To Draw Jack Nicklaus


Jack Nicklaus is considered to be one of the greatest golfers of all time (if not THE greatest). To draw Nicklaus, we should first sketch in some basic construction lines. Use a 2H or harder pencil and sketch very lightly so that the lines are easy t   


Next, we should draw the basic human figure. Doing this will help ensure that the figure is proportionate when we add clothing later on. You do not need to include details such as facial features, but be sure to include the construction lines of the    


Let's get to work on his eyes. Use your horizontal construction line of the face to help place them evenly on the head. The eyes should be squinted tightly with the eyebrows pointing down in the middle. He has thin eyebrows. Make sure that the iris a   


Now draw his nose with the help of your vertical guide line. The nose should end about half way between the eyes and chin. The left nostril will be mostly hidden from view at this angle.


His mouth should be slightly higher than the half way point between the nose and chin, since he is tightly frowning as he focuses on his shot. The corners of his mouth should point downward and he should have very thin lips. Draw small creases beneat   


Next, draw the contours of the face and jaw line. Nicklaus has a wide jaw, creating a square shaped head. His jaw line is fairly straight until it reaches the back of his head where is suddenly redirects itself and points upwards towards the ear. He    


He has a full head of blonde hair that is several inches long. Draw strands of hair hanging down on his forehead. The hair on the side of his head should be flipped forward, covering most of his ear. The hair on the back of his head should be very th   


Only a small portion of his right ear should be visible from beneath his hair. Notice how his earlobe is not rounded, but it connects directly to his jaw line. Also take this opportunity to draw his neck. The back of his neck should protrude from ben   


Before working on the torso, it's best to draw the right arm since it will be bent across the top of the body. The elbow should be pointing up, and the hand should be tucked behind the head, since he just hit a ball with his golf club. Draw many wrin   


Now draw the collar of his shirt. It should be fairly large with a few creases in it. The front of it should be hidden beneath his arm.


Draw the rest of his torso. The fabric of his shirt should be pulled tightly in the direction of his arms, so be sure to draw plenty of creases pointing in the direction of his arms. The creases beneath the right arm should be especially long.


The left arm should also be bent upwards, the hand tucked behind the head. The forearm should be higher up than the forearm of the right arm. His left hand should be wearing a white golf glove, but you should only be able to see the lower half of it.   


Finally, draw the shaft of the golf club. Use a ruler to help you. It should be pointing almost straight down from behind his head.


We're all done penciling the image and we can now ink it. Use a Micron marker or a brush and India ink. Carefully go over each line with patience and be sure not to accidentally ink any unneeded guide lines. Use a ruler to ink the golf club. A brush    


You can add more depth to the image by giving it shadow. Establish your light source and use black ink or a fat tipped black marker to do your shading. It's best to use a brush when shading hair so that you can do some feathering. Shade the backside    


If you need to make any corrections, use white ink or opaque white paint. You can also use it to add highlights if needed, such as on the hair. And you’re done! That's how you draw Jack Nicklaus! Hole in one!

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June 14, 2013

Description: Learn how to draw the legendary golf champion, Jack Nicklaus, in a comic book style.

#how to draw athletes #how to draw golfers #how to draw golf
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