How to Draw Sigmund Freud, Sigmund Freud

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Sketch out the face guide and then make the facial guidelines.


You will now sketch out the actual shape of Sigmund's face which includes some fuzz on the chin. Draw the hairline and then sketch out his ear.


Here you will sketch in the rest of Sigmund's hair which is neatly parted and combed. Detail inside of the ear like so, then proceed to step four.


Sketch out the crease and wrinkle lines on the forehead, then draw out the thick expressive eyebrows. You will then draw the shapes of each eye, then sketch in the puffy bags under the eyes. Draw the lining of his nose, then sketch in the mouth, frow   


Draw the shape of his neck, then draw the shoulders, and then the detailing to form the shirt collar and add his tie. Add the rest of the definition to his clothing until he looks refined. Erase your mistakes and you're done.


Here is the line art of Sigmund Freud so you can make the choice to color him in.

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June 14, 2013

Description: I promise there is only one more lesson on a famous person after this lesson and that's it. I just thought while we are on the subject of learning about people from our past, I might as well make a lesson on "how to draw Sigmund Freud", step by step. Now Sir Sigmund Freud was most noted for being the founding father of psychoanalysis. He was from Austria, and it is there he studied to be a neurologist. Among other things Freud also dabbled and studied law, then he began studying medicine specifically cerebral palsy, microscopic neuroanatomy and aphasia. There is a lot of complex stuff I could talk about when it comes to Sigmund Freud but I would then be sounding like an idiot because I have no idea what I'm talking about. Anyways, enjoy drawing Sigmund Freud and I will be back with some other lessons for you all. Peace out people.

#draw people #how to draw real people
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