How to Draw Daft Punk

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First, make two horizontal lines like so. This is where you will be drawing the letters on.


Next, draw the lowercase 'd' and 'a' for the word 'Daft'.


Next, continue to use a squiggle like stroke when making the lettering for the words. Draw in the F and T to complete the word 'daft'.


On a larger scale, begin drawing the second word 'punk' by making the P and U.


Finish things up by completing the word Punk as you draw out the N and K. Erase the mistakes, darken the lining for each letter and or word, then proceed to step six.


This is how the words looks when colored in solid. That's it, now you have learned the technique to making the words Daft Punk.

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May 30, 2013

Description: This lesson is going out to all those who requested a lesson on "how to draw Daft Punk", step by step. Now some of you out there don’t know who or what Daft Punk is, but there are also a lot of you that know exactly who they are. Daft Punk is a House band that has been around since 1993 or the beginning of house music. They are called the grandfather of techno, Dubstep, and all other type of electro era style music. The lettering was really cool to tackle because it’s such a playful style. The weird thing about this lesson is, when I told my brother what new lessons I did, he said, “wow, they are on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine this month”. I said “no way”, weird huh? Anyways, enjoy this tutorial folks on drawing Daft Punk. I’, sure you will find a reason to tackle this lesson. Adios mi amigos, or peace out!

#how to draw logos #draw graffiti #how to draw letters
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