How to Draw Squid Girl, Squid Girl

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Draw a circle for the head, then sketch in the facial guidelines.


All you have to do here is draw in the top portion of Squid Girl's hair. It should be thick, bulky and wide. Make the bangs, then draw the eyebrows.


Here is where you will draw the shape of her face, along with the long tentacles, then you are done here.


Work on getting her face drawn out by making the eyes first, then add the nose and mouth.


Next, draw the neck and shoulders followed by her torso chest and collar line.


Next and lastly, draw the rest of her hair or tentacles, then draw the hat or bandanna around her head. Erase the mistakes and you are all done.


That's it, you have yourself a finished drawing of Squid Girl, now you can color her in.

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May 7, 2013

Description: So I was asked to make some lessons on a few characters from the anime 'Squid Girl'. I'm pretty sure this is an anime series that my little sister has been watching on Netflix for a few weeks, and she really likes it. So here is "how to draw Squid Girl", step by step. Squid Girl comes from the ocean or sea to invade earth or all the humans on earth for polluting the sea. On her mission she encounters a few friends that ultimately make it hard for her to seek out what she came to the surface to do because she realizes that not all humans are bad. Drawing Squid Girl was fun. I was going to include her he has ten tentacles that come from the top of her head which is supposed to be her hair. The tentacles squirt out ink like all squids do. Anyways, I'm sure you will have fun drawing Squid Girl because she is such a delightful figure to recreate. Adios people and like always, enjoy.

#how to draw squid girl #how to draw squid girl characters
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