How to Draw Chris Motionless, Motionless in White

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Sketch out the shape of the face like so, then sketch in the facial guidelines.


You will now draw out the face structure then begin drawing the hairline that will later frame his face.


Using the guidelines begin sketching out the shapes of Chris' eyes. The lids should be bold or very dark and then the eyebrows should flow to also form the nose.


Continue to sketch out more of Motionless' straight hair style like so, then draw some of the hair resting on his back.


Sketch out the shape of his nose, then finish drawing out the eyes. Draw in the piercings he has on his forehead, then draw the ones on his bottom lip after you sketch out his mouth.


Finish Chris Motionless by sketching out the shoulders, and right arm. Notice the pinches on the arm, this is normal jacket sleeve creases. Add some thick hair strands. Erase the mistakes and guides before calling it a night.


Here is what you have created, now you can color in the face at hand. This is Chris Motionless from Motionless. You can color him in if you like or leave this drawing as a sketch.

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April 4, 2013

Description: I have been asked over and over again to make a lesson on "how to draw Chris Motionless", step by step from Motionless in White. His real name is Chris Cerulli and he is the lead vocalist in the band. Chris one of the studio guitarists, studio bassists, and studio keyboarders. They have two albums that I know of called 'Creatures', and 'Infamous'. Sketching him out was bit odd because he is so gothy looking. I haven't made lessons on drawing goth people in so long, when I do one I feel out of place. Nonetheless I still had fun with recreating this singer's look and style so have fun as well. Enjoy people!

#how to draw mindless in motion
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