How to Draw the Deer God, Forest Spirit, Princess Mononoke


The first thing you need to do is draw the small shape for the head, then draw out the larger shape for the body. Add the guidelines for each leg and foot as well.


Begin sketching out the actual structure to the Forest Spirit's face and head like so. The ear is deer like, but the face is human like. Draw in the eye, nose and mouth, as well as the detailing along the edge of the face.


Begin sketching out the back, then the very bold, shaggy chest which is sketched out in a fury manner. Add detailing with small sections of fur, then proceed to step four.


Next up, draw the horns which look more like reef corals. The antlers should be long and sectioned.


Draw the first front leg as well as the hand like foot. The back edges to the leg should be drawn to look fluffy. Draw the nails, then add some wrinkling on the front part of the leg.


Simply sketch out the other leg and foot like so, then add the appropriate detailing.


Finish drawing Deer God by sketching out the back, hind leg, and back foot. Draw the tail. Sketch in all the detailing then make the marking line on the stomach.


Lastly, draw the other leg as well as the other foot. When that is done you can sketch in the remaining definition on the foot and ankle. Erase the mistakes then you are all done.


Here is how the Forest Spirit looks when you are all done. Now you can color it in and use it for something else.

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March 7, 2013

Description: If you are a fan of Princess Mononoke, you should recognize the character you see before you now. He goes by many names like Deer God, Shishi-gami, and even the Forest Spirit. This lesson is going to show you "how to draw the Forest Spirit", or Deer God, step by step. Even though the word “deer” is in his name title, the character or creature looks more like a kirin. As you know Ashitaka is instructed to look for the Forest Spirit to find some answers to find a cure. As for who exactly this creature is, it is said that he is an ancient god that has the power or ability to to extract the life from people, gods, and other beings like demons and animals. Anyways, I tried making the tutorial as easy as possible when it comes to drawing the Forest Spirit. I think you will enjoy this tut because it was requested by a few people. I will be back with more for you all so stay tuned in. Adios folks.

#how to draw princess mononoke #how to draw princess mononoke characters
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